Saturday, May 06, 2006

Fresh into hell weeks

I have to apologize to my regular readers for the lack of recent content. I've been completely swamped by papers, and unfortunatly I fully expect this to continue for another couple of weeks. Hard to believe though it is... I am a graduate student.

I have been quite busy with non-school things, but if I tell you what they are then I have to kill you, so :(

I choose to bear this burden alone...

Although normally intense school weeks pass by without much registering in my brain, I must say for my own part that my 20 pager on the interpretation of Romans 3.21-28 was top notch, at least for Master's level vis-a-vis my normal work. I've been getting requests to read it and I've sent it out. I think my take on the three major issues of the passage (Justification by faith, faith/works, the atoning sacrifice)is worth the read and well-enough reserached. Hope so anyhow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roland, that's great! Would you ever consider posting it here? Or at least a portion.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Roland said...

Give me your email and I'll send it via-email.


10:09 PM  
Blogger Hira Animfefte said...

Count me in, Ray! I want a copy.
-Michelle (you know where I live)

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that works too! Whenever time allows you can send it to

1:42 PM  

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